Linky Links for Whatever hell Month This Is
Charleston studio© Charleston Trust
Whoops, no Linky Links (TM) for July, but since time doesn’t matter anymore I’m assuming nobody noticed. I hereby present you with a list of July/August things I’ve been reading/listening to/watching, best consumed with an ice-cold can of Orangina and a tiny fan by your side.
I re-read this (admittedly p old) five-step guide to Bloomsbury interiors from AnOther and it was a hoot. I don’t know about you but all I want to do right now is nest and nobody knows more about nesting than the Bloomsbury Group (or Bloomsbury Set, depending on your level of bougie), which was made up of folks like E.M. Forster and Virginia Woolf. I am deeply fascinated by art circles/friendships/cults and their dwellings so this was right up my alley.
You could read that Nick Cave piece in The Guardian about the dangers of cancel culture. Or…. you could listen to the "Abattoir Blues Tour” live album and ignore let this little ripple in the ocean of Internet Steps wash over you. It contains my favorite live version of “Red Right Hand” which I know is a tall order, but this is my blog.
I binged all of High Fidelity just in time for Hulu to announce they were cancelling it, so I recommend watching it to show them what a colossal mistake they made.
Speaking of music, that viral video of two Gen Z twins reacting to hearing “In the Air Tonight” for the first time (and I mean, driven to literal tears over that drum solo), is the best thing I’ve seen on the internet. I’ve said this for years but Phil Collins is the rare example of a nostalgic white male musician that is both unproblematic and delightful to revisit, and to say I’m excited for Gen Z to discover him is an UNDERSTATEMENT. As the twins say, you’ve all been sleeping on him for too long. You better WAKE UP.
This article about the power of low-stakes productivity (painting your nails, showering before 5pm) from the NYT made me feel, uh… seen.
May you find endless things to keep your attention occupied in these turbulent and deeply unsexy times.